About Us

Sri Sri Swasthya Rakshak

Sri Sri Swasthya Rakshak is a Way of Living Life. It is a science of Healthy Living. In many Natural Ways it helps to stay fit and Maintain Good Health. Swasthya Rakshak Nature cure Clinic is our endeavour to bring all the Knowledge under one Roof and offer wellness to everyone through proper consultancy.

At Swasthya Rakshak you will get the chance to Detox your Body & Soul Equilibrium and Feel the Eternal Bliss of Wellness. Swasthya Rakshak Offers the Best Natural Consultancy to address the Root Cause of any Disorder and the chance to Receive the crucial balance of Five Basic Elements of Life – Fire, Earth, Water, Air & Ether.

Our vision -Be a “center of prevention” to provide comprehensive health care and training for self-cure.

Sri Sri Swasthya Rakshak Advantages

Relaxing mind, heart, body.

Boost well-being and health.

Release all physical, mental and emotional stress.

Restore body energy flow.

Boost blood circulation.

Simulates positive thinking

Enhances outlook

Improves one's ability to cope with health-related issues

Dr. Sana Memon is a renowned Naturopath, Iridologist, and Expert in Nadi-Veda, Meditation, and Art of Living Happiness Program

She is (BNYS) Bachelor in Naturopathy and Yogic Science, she has dedicated her life to transforming the lives of over 10,000 individuals through workshops and seminars .

Her passion for Holistic Healing led her to become certified by the Art of Living Foundation, a testament to her commitment to excellence in the field.

Dr. Sana’s exceptional skills and expertise have earned her numerous accomplishments , including prestigious Gold Medal from the AYUSH Ministry of India.

Her innovative approach to alternative medicine and holistic wellness have great recognition’s nationally and internationally, making her an icon in Chhattisgarh, Mrs. India Most Intelligent in India and Internationally Verifiable Naturopath ID Card holder licensed to work in 35+ Countries.

Dr. Sana’s journey is a testament to her unwavering dedication to improving the health and well-being of others through her unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern practices of Naturopathy Treatments.

Dr. Sana holds a Bachelor’s degree in Naturopathy and Yogic Science and a Master’s in Science Counseling and Student Services from MGR University, Chennai. She is proficient in Japanese Healing, SriSri Rakkenho, vacuumed cupping therapy, Vedic Nadi Pariksha, and iridology. Associated with Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, she has contributed significantly to the Art of Living Foundation, providing training in meditation and happiness.

Dr. Sana’s career includes work at Arogya Mandir Naturopaths Center, SriSri Ayurvedic Hospital, and providing survival training to Indian Army officers at NIMAS Camp.

Among her many honors, she has received the Indian Achievers Award 2021 for Excellence in Healthcare, the Bharat Caurav Ratan Award, and the Icons of Chhattisgarh award in 2023.

As a MasterChef India winner, she combines her culinary skills with naturopathic expertise, promoting chemical-free treatments.

Dr. Sana continues to inspire in alternative medicine and holistic wellness, dedicated to restoring health through ancient medical science and modern practices.