Dry cupping

- Dry cupping is a suction-only approach without additional treatments like bleeding or incisions.
- Magnetic cupping uses cups with built-in magnets.
- Magnetic cupping offers advantages such as pain alleviation and relaxation.

Wet / bleeding cupping

- Wet or bleeding cupping involves creating small incisions on the skin before applying suction cups.
- This practice is believed to remove "bad blood" and toxins, promoting circulation and healing.
- Benefits may include pain reduction, detoxification, and overall well-being.

Running cupping Gliding

- Running cupping gliding involves moving suctioned cups over the body with oil for a massage-like effect.
- Benefits include enhanced blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, muscular relaxation, and stress release.
- It supports overall wellness and pain alleviation.

Flash cupping

- Flash cupping involves swiftly applying and removing suction cups from a specific body location.
- Benefits include enhanced blood circulation, greater lymphatic drainage, pain alleviation, muscular relaxation, and potential therapy for respiratory diseases.
- Further research is needed for conclusive evidence of its effectiveness.